Key Trends for Autumn – Winter 2023

“Buy less, choose well, make it last” Wise words from Vivienne Westwood which increasing numbers of us are buying into.  Rather than blindly embracing fast fashion and acquiring ever more clothes, my clients are more interested in building a curated wardrobe of outfits that they look and feel their best in. Fortunately, the fashion world seems to be buying in to this ap...
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New Year, New You!

Would you like to feel happy and confident about your appearance? Are you stuck in a bit of a style rut? Bored with your clothes? Feeling pretty much invisible? The New Year is a great time to make changes and herald a new, more confident, you. Whereas most New Year's resolutions tend involve diet, exercise and abstinence - all very admirable but (if you're anything like ...
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Ten Top Tips

I thought I’d share with you some of the generic styling tips that I pass on to my clients that I think you will find helpful. Get a full length mirror. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is. There is absolutely no way you can tell whether an outfit looks good on you unless you can see yourself in it from top to toe. Mother does not always know best!...
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What to Wear “Out-Out” this Festive Season

women at a party
The festive season is almost upon us and, after last year’s restrictions, I think many of us are in the mood to party. Certainly, there’s been a shift of focus within the fashion world from stay-at- home lounge wear to more glamorous “out-out" wear. So what will you be wearing for Christmas and New Year parties? How much you relish the opportunity to  put on a bit of ...
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Fab At Fifty & Beyond

  Style and  beauty are not just the prerogative of the young. There is absolutely no reason why a woman well into her fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond cannot look attractive and stylish. But, whereas the young may manage to pull off some dubious fashion choices, we grown-ups need to dress with a little more care. Fortunately we have good sense and experience ...
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What to Wear this Autumn-Winter

This month’s blog was originally going to be an in-depth look at the key trends for Autumn-Winter, but then I got to thinking about what really interests the women I work with; looking and feeling good, rather than slavishly following fashion. Of course, they want to look current but they’re less interested in what’s “in” for a particular season and more interested in what work...
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Neutrals, And How To Wear Them

What are Neutral Colours? Neutrals are basically the non-colours.  They are created by either being achromatic (the absence of colour – eg. black, white and grey) or by mixing lots of colours together until there isn’t any distinguishable rainbow colour left eg brown tones such as sand, camel, honey, beige etc. Neutrals will never be the most exciting colours in your wa...
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Style Tips for Mature Women

Attractive mature woman
I know that when we reach a certain age, some women start to feel invisible and lose their sense of identity.  Even those who were previously confident in their choices, can start to doubt themselves and feel that they've lost sight of their personal style.  Clients tell me that lockdown has just served to exacerbate these feelings. As a woman in her fifties, I totally unde...
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Fab At Fifty & Beyond

Emerge from lockdown with style and confidence! Style and beauty are not just the prerogative of the young. There is absolutely no reason why a woman well into her fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond cannot look attractive and stylish. But, whereas the young may manage to pull off some dubious fashion choices, we grown-ups need to dress with a little more care. Fortunatel...
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Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

Do you dream of having a carefully edited wardrobe of clothes you look and feel great in? Is this the reality?: Your wardrobe is a bit chaotic. You have lots of clothes but often feel you have nothing to wear. Nothing seems to go with anything. You sometimes waste money on clothes you don’t wear. You wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time. If so, don’t...
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Fab At Fifty & Beyond

Get 2021 off to a fabulously stylish start! Style and beauty are not just the prerogative of the young. There is absolutely no reason why a woman well into her fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond cannot look attractive and stylish. But, whereas the young may manage to pull off some dubious fashion choices, we grown-ups need to dress with a little more care. Fortunately ...
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Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

Do you dream of having a carefully edited wardrobe of clothes you look and feel great in? Is this the reality?: Your wardrobe is a bit chaotic. You have lots of clothes but often feel you have nothing to wear. Nothing seems to go with anything. You sometimes waste money on clothes you don’t wear. You wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time. If so, don’t w...
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Dress Your Best

  Everyone can look fabulous, regardless of age, shape or size. You just need to understand what works for YOU. Learn how to dress in the way that flatters your shape, scale and proportions in a friendly, supportive environment. I like to keep this workshop as flexible and interactive as possible so that I cover what matters to you but generally we discuss: Y...
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How to decide what types of clothes to buy

For me, one of the benefits of getting older has been that I have a stronger sense of who I am and what suits me. I know this isn’t the case for everyone though and lots of women come to see me precisely because they have lost sight of what their style is.  This can lead to random purchases that then go unworn. Having a style consultation is a good way to get back on track but ...
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Dress Your Best

Everyone can look fabulous, regardless of age, shape or size. You just need to understand what works for YOU. Learn how to dress in the way that flatters your shape, scale and proportions in a friendly, supportive environment. We will cover: Your body shape and what it means for the way you dress Your proportions – How to create the illusion of being perfectly propo...
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Don’t become a slave to styling rules!

Jumble of clothes
I know that a lot of women find choosing what to wear for any given occasion quite stressful so I aim to make getting dressed as simple and straight forward as possible you so that you can spend less time worrying about your clothes and more time enjoying life. We women are often our own worst critics, tending to focus on our perceived faults rather than appreciating our...
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Let’s Get Layering!

There’s a definite chill in the air so it’s time to start getting our Autumn-Winter wardrobes together. Don’t automatically pack away everything you’ve been wearing over the Summer though, there could well be pieces that you can layer up and wear well into the new season. Key Layering Pieces The following pieces are great for layering: Different types of fine, close ...
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What to Wear to Lunch With Friends

friends having lunch outside
Whenever I do a style consultation, I ask about the client’s lifestyle, favourite shops etc and what occasions they find it challenging to dress for. Almost without exception, women tell me that what they find most difficult is dressing for lunch out with their friends! Generally, there will be at least one woman in their group who absolutely nails her look, leaving the ...
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My Perfect Wardrobe

This online service is designed to help you put together your perfect wardrobe so that you always have something flattering and appropriate to wear, whatever the occasion. My Perfect Wardrobe enables you to keep track of the clothes and accessories you already have, make considered new purchases and get maximum wear out of everything in your wardrobe. Best of all, it can all...
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Lockdown Style

Pictures of Nicola wearing different outfits
Over the past few weeks, quite a few people have suggested that I write a style guide on what to wear during lockdown. I must admit I have hesitated to do this till now because the last thing I want to do in these difficult and stressful times is suggest that we should be focusing on what we look like. Goodness knows there are far more important things to worry about…. BUT ...
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