“Personal style has always played, and still plays, a crucial role in the career trajectories of leaders” – Fortune Magazine, March 2015
Research shows that we make judgements about people’s character, professionalism, socio-economic status etc within about seven seconds of meeting. Once we’ve formed that initial opinion it tends to stick as we subconsciously seek evidence to support it. Therefore it’s vitally important to make a positive first impression. Get it wrong and we give ourselves multiple hurdles to climb. Get it right and people are be pre-disposed to think well of us.
What we wear is fundamental to creating a great first impression. Getting our professional image right is not always easy though, is it? In the past, it was more straightforward – a dark suit, plain shirt (and tie for men) was right for most business situations. Nowadays though there are all sorts of dress codes – business formal, business casual, business smart, “dress down” days etc. This gives us more flexibility to express our individuality and make more of an impact, but also more opportunity to get it wrong.
Whether you are a just starting out in business, returning to work after a career break or keen to reach or stay at the top, I can help you develop an image that conveys the right messages to support your career ambitions.
I will tailor a package of services for you to address the following:
- Your best colours – for your unique colouring as well as your professional role.
- Styles of dress that will flatter your shape and project an authentic, appropriate professional image.
- What to wear for interviews/team meetings/client presentations/ video conferencing.
- Shop for your professional wardrobe with you.
- Creation of online Lookbook of business wear options.
- Grooming – hairstyles, make-up, best shapes for glasses, accessories etc.
Fee: £550 – £800 depending on services required.
Please contact me to discuss how I can help.