Over time, our colouring changes, so if you had your colours analysed some time ago (particularly if it was under the previous, more limited, system of “seasons”) or you have changed your hair colour, you might like to consider a Colour Review. The service is similar to Colour Analysis but does not include the colour wallet. We will review your colours and also ensure that your make-up is still flattering you. Should your colour palette have changed, you will have the option to purchase a new colour swatch wallet in your best colours.
Even if you don’t feel your colouring has changed significantly since your original colour analysis, a Colour Review is also a good option if you’d like to look in more depth at how and when to wear your colours in a way that suits your personality and lifestyle. For example, some colours will give you the authority, impact and presence you may need in the business environment whilst others will be better for social situations. Equally, an extrovert will undoubtedly want to wear his or her colours differently to someone who is more reserved. It’s all about fine-tuning what works for you.
I will take time to understand your preferences, personality and lifestyle and guide you through your colour palette so that you not only look your very best but also feel fabulous.
Duration: circa 90 minutes
Take Aways: A personalised make-up prescription, revised colour wallet (optional extra, if required)
Fee: Monday – Friday £130, Saturday £135.